1782-01-08 (static/transcriptions/1782/01/006.jpg)

1782 1 Term [Tuesday] January 8th
Then it should be intituled, The King against Kenoo Roy.
If the Court had no Criminal Jurisdiction, they might yet Commit for Contempt, as all Courts of Record may, and then all Motions must be intituled as between the Parties Plaintiff and Defendant in the Cause.

On the like Motion Kebulram who was also committed in the Year 1779 for the like Offence was now discharged. The Prothonotary was directed to enter a minute of the discharge of Kebulram, and of Kenoo Roy in his Book.
I would not let these two men be discharged at the last Sessions, because I thought as they were committed by the Court in a Cause, the Court ought to discharge them in Term Time, and not at the Sessions.