1791-06-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/06/195.jpg)


So the Jurors aforesd upon their oath aforesd do say that the said John Brownrigg in manner & form aforesd feloniously wilfully & of his malice aforethought the said John Fringee did kill & murder against the peace of our sad Lord the King his Crown & Dignity. And the Jurors aforesd upon their Oath aforesd do further present that the said John Brownrigg is a person subject to the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal by having committed the Felony & murder aforesaid within the Town of Calcutta & factory of Fort William in Bengal aforesaid, And the Jurros aforesd upon their Oath aforesd do further present that the said John Brownrigg was a British subject resident within the province of Bengal at the time of committing the Felony & murder aforesd & that the said John Brownrigg is therefore a person subject to the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal.

1 Witness for the King
Lousia – a xtian woman.
I knew John Fringee. He is dead. He was my husband.
One Sunday, four weeks & about 6 days ago, at night, a woman came &