1791-06-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/06/235.jpg)
Mr. Townsend Jones, sworn.
I know John Brownrigg, the prisoner, have often seen him write, & perfectly well know his handwriting. The whole of the letter in my hand (which was produced by Mr. Motte) is in the hand writing of the prisoner.
The prisoner does not live me, but with Mr. Geraud. I have known the prisoner 15 or 16 intimately. During that period he had the character of a very quiet man; not quarrelsome, but far otherwise: he was always esteemed goodnatured. I know he surrendered voluntarily.
(The Letter read)
Exhibit A.
Mr. Jones has communicated the Contents of your Letter to him of this Morning, I conceive myself much obliged to you & Mr. Justice Hyde and as I have done nothing but in defence of myself & servant,