1777-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1777/11/017.jpg)

1777. Sittings. [Monday] Nov. 24.

Ram Sunder Metre was first call’d and Sworn. He produced some books consisting of separate pieces of paper about five Inches Square, Sewed togather in small parcels, which he call’d Measure “Chittas” or Notes. He was the Man mention’d in Mr. Sealey’s opening. Then Sheboo Bose who was a writer under him was sworn. He also produced another Book call’d a Decree Book. Mr. Holme. Now one of the Board of Trade. Late President of the Calcutta Committee: Sworn.
I was never Collector-General, I was Collector of Calcutta. I succeeded Mr. Russel in that Office. The books are here. Some other books sent for. In the Mean Time Sunker Noogee was call’d.

Sunker Noogee, call’d and sworn.
The Ground was in possession of Ram Doss Byraggee. He mortgaged it to me. If he paid the thirteen Rupees borrow’d within a year with Interest at the Rate of half an Anna per Rupee a Month, he was to have the ground back, else it was to be mine.
I sold it in 1171 to Ram Sunder Metre: Byraggee was present. After Ram Doss return’d I offer’d him the ground if he would pay me the thirteen Rupees Lent with Interest. He refused it. he afterward complain’d to Mr. Holme, and
/ I heard