1791-10-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/10/019.jpg)
to have bn recd from Deft by the Comee. I have no doubt that the Superscription of L is of Deft’s writing” – cannot say of his own knowl: who wrote the body [ILL] L, but has seen other letters in the same hand (as it appears to him) – bearing the Deft’s signature.
The body of K is in same hand.
The word “being” & the word “hands” seem I believe to be of Deft’s writing, from the similarity betw: them & his ordinary mode of writing.
X Examd
The Comee recd Exh: U from Plf the lr No: 3: referred to therein, will, I think, be fod in an appendix to the proceedings of the Comee of 16 Sept: 1790. Exh: X is that appx the lr No 3 is contained in it & was laid before Deft to take extracts from it
No 6