1782-01-31 (static/transcriptions/1782/01/131.jpg)

Sir E. Impey
Not by way of Judgment in the Cause but for Consideration, I will throw out how it seems to me at present.
The Lender Mr. Verelst seems to me to have relied solely on the Credit of Mr. Hoissard and on his Bond, and does not appear to rely on the Credit of the Partnership.
I believe if you look in the Books Sir E. Impey
Not by way of Judgment in the Cause but for Consideration, I will throw out how it seems to me at present.
The Lender Mr. Verelst seems to me to have relied solely on the Credit of Mr. Hoissard and on his Bond, and does not appear to rely on the Credit of the Partnership.
I believe if you look in the Books You will find that one Partner giving a Bond which is accepted