1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/178.jpg)


Sittings after Fourth Term 1791.
E. I. Company v: Naderah Begum.
d. 10 & 11 Ramzan, immed precedg the month of Shawal in [which] he died; that Deponents husband was not near Patna in the month of Ramzan, having gone from then to Benares the month before Ramzan when he did not [ILL] till somedays after the death of Shah Baz Beg Khan

[Single Line]
9. Affid of W. Jackson – who on 23 Febr: 1791, accompanied Khumnarain (No 5) to the office of W. Chambers Esq Keeper of the Records, & there shewed him a pers: writing d: 11 Ramzan in the 18th of Shah alum, which was read, as appears