1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/181.jpg)
Tuesday 22 Nov: 1791.
No 10. Affidavit of Bholum D’ai
Shah baz beg Khan in one of the [ILL] of which this [ILL] found the sd Mohutterim ul Nissa Begum & the sd Nauderah sitting together, whereupon this Dept deld the sd box to the sd Mohutterim ul Nissa Begum who immy opened it, sayg at the same time to the sd Nauderah Begum “you [ILL] for the seal of my husband. Gheirat Beg, here it is what do yoy wish to do with it,” or words to that effect. That the sd [ILL] N. Begum immy replied that [ILL] and told her, that if by any [ILL] the [ILL] the seal of Mirza Ghyrut Beg [ILL] that name which he the sd Zekeriah had prepared, she the sd Mr. Begum wod be the Mistress of all the [ILL] & Reports of the [ILL] husband Shah baz beg Khan - [ILL] this Dept [ILL] that the sd [ILL] ul Nissa then remonstrated with the sd N. Begum, & wndeavoured [ILL] in such a transaction & to [ILL] C. Zekariah doing [ILL] her such advice, but that [ILL] the sevl [ILL] the sd Mohutterim ul Nissa Begum [ILL] N Begum