1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/184.jpg)
Sittings after Fourth Term 1791.
E. I. Company v: Naderah Begum.
11. Affid: of Nunhoo Dai – was a servt for 17 years of Shah Baz Beh Khan till his d: [which] happened in Shaval 1184 anwg to Nov: 1777, she continued with the ws - & on the 3d or 4th day after the death of Shah Baz Beg Khan, Khojah Zeccaria came to the door & told the Begum, in the hearing of deponent. “That He the said Cojah Zekeriah had prepared a Deed of Gift or as it is called in the Persian and Indostanee Languages an Heba Namah by which she the