1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/187.jpg)


Tuesday 22d Nov: 1791.
No 11. Affidavit of Nunhoo D’ai.
immediately after he had so affixed the said Seal of the said Shahbazbeg Khan to the said Deed of Gift or Heba Nama, gave back the said Seal to this Deponent, who again forthwith delivered the same to the said Defendant Nauderah Begum. And this Deponent further saith that a day or two after the Transaction last mentioned respecting the Affixing the said Seal of the said Shahbaz beg Khan to the said deed of Gift or Heba Nama, the said Cojah Zekariah came again to the House of the Defendant Nauderah Begum, and standing in the outside of the Door of the Apartment in which the said Defendant and this Deponent then were again demanded the seal of the said Shahbazbeg Khan from the said Defendant Nauderah Begum alledging that he wanted the said Seal for the purport or Contents of which he the said Cojah Zekeriah did not at that time make any Mention or disclosure, that in answer to such last mentioned Requisition the said Defendant. Nauderah Begum desired the said Cojah Zekeriah not to stay and affix the said Seal Where he then was in the House of the said Nauderah Begum, but to go to the House of one Inayut Dolah Beg and there cause the said Seal to be affixed to the said last mentioned Paper. That the said Defendant Nauderah Begum then forthwith