1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/186.jpg)
Sittings after Fourth Term 1791.
E. I. Company v: Naderah Begum.
He the said Cojah Zekeriah might Affix it to the deed of Gift or Hebah Nama repeating at the same time what he had said the preceeding day. And this Deponent further saith that upon such Requisition being made by the said Cojah Zekeriah, the Defendant Nauderah Begum sent one of her Attendants called Nocbehar into an Inner Room of the House who brought out a small Box which the said Nauderah Begum opened and took thereout a Seal which this Deponent from having often seen before in the possession of, and used by the said Shahbaz Beg Khan, knew to be the Seal of the said Shah baz beg Khan deceased, and gave it into the hand of this Deponent with Direction to give it to the said Cojah Zekeriah which she this Deponent accordingly did. And this Deponent further south that she this Deponent did see the said Cojah Zekariah immediately upon receiving the said Seal of the said Shah baz beg Khan from the Hands of this Deponent, Affix the same to the paper which he the said Cojah Zekeriah then held in his hand and which, as he the said Cojah Zekariah then and there informed This Deponent; was the same paper which the said Cojah Zekariah had prepared and which he had produced to the said Naderah Begum on the preceeding day as the Deed of Gift or Heba Nama by which she the said Nauderah Begum was to become entitled to and gain possession of the property of the said Shahbaz beg Khan. That the said Cojah Zekariah