1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/183.jpg)
Tuesday 22 Nov 1791.
No 10. Affidavit of Bholun Dai
Asshaunee Haugidge, on which there was some writg in the Persian language, and affixed the sd seal of the sd Mirza Ghyrut Beg upon the sd piece of paper, & having done so, he the sd C. Zekeriah gave back the sd Seal of the sd Mirza Ghyrut Beg into the Lands of this Dept to take the sd seal to the sd N. Begum & to inform her that he the sd C. Zekeriah appeared that seal of the sd Mirza Ghyrut Beg to the sd Deed of Gift or Heba Nama, and that as the business wod now be right & as it shd be, she the sd N. Begum might make herself easy. And this Dept frm: with that in obedience to such directions of the sd C. Zekeriah, she this Dept [ILL] into the inner apartments of the sd house where she had left & then again found the sd N. Begum & the Mohutterim ul Nissa Begum & giving back the sd Seal of the sd Ghyrut Beg to the said N. Begum deld also the message sent by the sd C. Zekeriah upon which the sd N. Begum appeared to be & expressed herself much pleased & satisfied.