1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/180.jpg)


Sittings after Fourth Term 1791.
E. I. Company v: Naderah Begum.
who was full brot of sd Seyid Lutf Ally & that it is the same paper which is spoken of by him in his affid: (No 6.) as having bn written by the said Seyid Neaz Ally in his life time, by the order or at the request of Coja Zeccaria & Mr. Gheirah Beg – or one of them.
10. Affid: of Bholum D’ai. Nurse to Mirza Gheirat Beh Children, & has bn in his service 16 years [speaks of the d. of Shahbaz Beg at the prout [ILL] That a dew days after his death she accompanied her mistress [ILL] Nissa Begum, since deceased, to the house of Shahbaz beg deced, where Naderah Begum mistress sent her back to brng a small box [which] she described, that this Dept accordingly woud for the sd box retd with it to the house of the sd