1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/182.jpg)
Sittings after Fourth Term 1791.
E. I. Company v: Naderah Begum.
alledged that she understood from the sd C. Zekariah that unless they (meaning them the sd N. Begum & the sd C. Zekariah) affected their projected scheme of setting up such a Deed of Gift or Heba Nama there was no other mode by wch she the sd N. Begum cod become Mistress of, or get into her hands the Estate & property of her dead husband the sd Shah baz beg Khan that upon much consideration & money intreaties in the part of the dept N. Begum & objections on the part of the sd Mohutterim ul Nissa, the sd Mohutterim ul Nissa [ILL] the [ILL] the sd Mirza [ILL] Beg & gave it into the hand of the sd N. Begum who forthwith deld it to this dept with orders to strike it to C. Zekeriah who was then waitg in an outward room of the same house in which the sd N. Begum & Mohutterim ul Nissa there were – that this Dept accordgy took the sd [ILL] it to the sd C. Zekeriah [ILL] thereupon immy & in the presence of this Dept took from out of his [ILL] a piece of paper [ILL] with Spots of Gold [ILL] & which is called in the Indostannee: language