1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/192.jpg)
Sittings after Fourth Term.
E. I. Company v: Naderah Begum.
he the said Mirz Ghrut Beg could permit Lolla Khemnarain the writer or Mutusddy of the said Mirza Ghyrut Beg to make a fair Copy of the said last mentioned paper or Ekraur Aum in Reply to which Requisition the said Mirza Ghyrut Beg enquired why Lolla Nuwul Sing who was the writer or Mutsuddy of the deceased – Shahbaz beg Khan did not make a fair Copy of the Ekraru Aum alledging also that if the said Nuwul Sing had declined making a fair Copy of it, He the said Mirza Ghyrut Beg could not with any propriety order his Writer or Mutsuddy to do it – that after many Intreaties on the part of the said Cojah Zekeriah he the said Mirza Ghyrut Beg, did in the presence and hearing of this deponent order one Lolla Kheemnarain who was then a writer or Mutsuddie in the service of the said Mirza Ghyrut Beg, to make a fair Copy of the Draft which the said Cojah Zakeriah had prepared of the said last mentioned Paper or Ekraur Aum, which the said Lolla Kheemnarain in the presence of this deponent immediately did And lastly this deponent saith the several Transactions above spoken of happened, and the draft of the said last mentioned Paper brought by the said Cojah Zekeriah to the House of the said Mirza Ghyrurt Beg above stated to have been Copied fair by the said Lolla Kheemnarain was so Copied by the said Lolla Kheemnarain in the presence and sight of this deponent several days after the death of the said Shahbaz beg Khan.
Counterfeited after the death of the said Shahbaz beg Khan for the purpose of obtaining for the said Nauderah Begum the possession and Title to the Effects and property of the said Shahbazbeg Khan deceased.