1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/208.jpg)


produced two papers in the Persian character and language, called an Hebeh Namah & Ecrar Aam, and at the same time requested this Deponent to affix his this Deponent’s seal thereto in token and attestation of the due execution of the said Papers respectively by the said Shahbaz beg Khan in his life time and this Deponent further saith that upon enquiry into the Contents Purport and meaning of the several Papers respectively and upon finding to the then full and entire conviction of this Deponent that the said Deeds or Papers so produced by the said Cojah Zekeriah to this Deponent and respectively called or purporting to be what is called in the Persian Language Haba Nama and Ekraur Aum and likewise purporting to be and to contain respectively a Disposition by the