1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/210.jpg)
not content or satisfied with such refusal on the part of this Deponent still continued his solicitations and intreaties and also made offers of money to this Deponent on the part of the said Nauderah Begum if he this Deponentwould but give his Assent to the measures proposed by the said Cojah Zekeriah, and contribute towards the Establishment of the authenticity of the said two Papers respectively by affixing his Seal in testimony of the Execution of the said Papers by the said Shah baz beg Khan in his life time. And lastly this Deponent saith that he this Deponent absolutely refused to comply with such the proposals requisition or intreaties of the said Cojah Zekeriah because this Deponent then well knew that the said Shah baz beg Khan had been dead some days before the twice herein before spoken of when the said Coja Zekeriah cause to the house of this Deponent, & because the said two several Deeds or papers respectively called Heba Nama & Ekraur Aum then appear’d to this Deponent to have been as he this Deponent then did and now solemnly verily & in his conscience does believe them to have been falsely made written forged and counterfeited after the death of the said Shah baz beg Khan.