1791-11-23 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/223.jpg)
Wednesday 23 nov: 1791.
No. 26. Copy of Deposition of Inaiet Ullah, in Dec: 1778.
of Seyid Ahmed Cawn, when he sent for me I did not know why he had sent for me when I came there I found Zackariah & sayd Admed Cawn sitting there in Seyd Ahmed Cawn sitting there in Seyd Cawns house when I set down there Zackariah took out of his Pocket a Heba namah & gave it into the Hands of Seyed Ahmed Cawn I heard that it was a Hebbanamah which shaw Bauz Beg Khawn had made in his life in the name of his wife and said to Seyd Ahmed Cawn to you witness this & likewise pointed me out with his Hand and desired me to witness the same. When he gave the paper to Seyd Ahmed Cawn Seyd Ahmed Cawn read it in a loud voice I said nothing and afterwards he read the seal affixed on the paper to the best of my recollection he read three seals there were other seals besides these three which I cannot recollect on one seal he read the name of Shaw Bauz Beg Khan on the 2d he read the name of Zakariah and on the 3d Khyraut Beg the [ILL] name read was Shah Bauz Beg I do not remember which he read first of the others after he had read the paper he put up the paper & returned to Zakariah. Zakariah desired me and Seyed Ahmed Cawn to witness it & said that shah Bauz Beg Khaun in his life time made that Hebbanamah in presence of Zakariah. I answered that you said is true that it was made in your presence but I did not see it my own Eyes – my heart did not permit me to witness the paper. I do not know