1791-11-23 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/222.jpg)


Sittings after Fourth Term
E. I. Company v. Naderah Begum
who were present; & adds that Shah B. Beg desired him to write under his seal, but As I cod not write (says he) I called Z & he wrote.” Both the Seals of S. B. B. Khan & of Zeccariah were to it before it put mine to it.
“After the Death of Shah Baz B. Kn one day about 3 o’clock, Cojah Zeccariah brot a paper to me which he sad was a copy of the Hebba-nameh he got from Neaz Ally, & I put my seal to it according to his desire, & which he said he wanted to send to Cabul; & months afterwards I saw original in the Foujdarry at Patna. The copy was to be sent to Cabul in order to prevent the effects being dispersed, and I put my seal to it on that account. The seal of Shah baz Beg Khan was not to the copy.”

No. 26 Attested Copy of a Depos— of Anayet Ullah taken for Defts at same trial on the 9th of Decr
Wts says he knew the deced S. B. Baz Khan who was his friend, & then proceeded [ILL] After his death Zeccariah sent for one to [ILL] come to the house