1791-11-23 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/229.jpg)


me to the chamber where Shah Baz Beg died, bid me bring my inkstand, gave me the drat from which I had made a copy 2 days before, & bid me make another copy on gold sprinkled paper. I saw that in the drat one line was scratched out & under it something written – I observed this to him but he told me I had no business with that, & bid me make haste. (one naturally inquires abt wt one does not understand I inqd) – I made a copy wth the alteration as was the duty of a servt. I’ve wrote Hebeh Namahs before they are written sometimes on plain paper, somet: on gold sprinkled paper; mere copies are not usually written on such paper. Zeccariah was offended at my hesitating. I know this paper Exh: N. this is the 2d copy that I have mentioned. I know it well. [says he will take any oath of it] I put no seal to it. The seal of Shah Baz Beg is to it, which I know well. “It is not usual to put to the copy of a Hemeh Namah of a man, after his death. The seal of the deceased.” At least not in Bahar. There is no writing about this seal, purporting that it is a copy of a seal. Here are also the seals of Cojah Zeccariah, Gheirat Beg, Inaiet Ullah Beg, and Maazum Beg. The first time I saw it wth the seals on was with a Cazy, - then in the Council, & afterwards in the Foujdarry. The Cazy sent to the Begum to produce what papers she had. Mullah Zakariah produced this paper he said here are two papers look at them & peruse them and said that by virtue of these two papers Begum claimed the Estate – The Kazee said to Zakariah you claim the Estate of Shahbaz beg Khan produce me she might by which you claimed – the produced two papers this is one of them I was sent for, the Kazee