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time of what passed in the Dewan Cauna – myself went and came several times – I mean to say that some body came to the stable and told me what passed – I do not recollect who came and told me so – imean to swear that a person came to me to the stables & told me that Cojah Zakariah had produced two papers upon which the said Begum founded her Claim – it is so long ago I do not remember who it was that came to me – I mean to swear that I did not hear what Zakariah said with my own ears but that I was told so – I did not hear what Cojah Zakariah said – I was never examined before Mahom’d reza Cawn relative to the paper produced to me – In order to make you understand the matter I told you the Kazee sent for me while thismatter was in agitation – as to which is true whether I heard Zakariah say these words or heard it from another that is my Evidence which I have now mention’d that while this matter was in agitation. I was then sent for by the Kazee – The truth is I got intelligence of it with regard to that being true respecting what Zakariah said to me after such a time how can I saw what is true or what is not true – a man forgets what he said last night. I saw this paper in the Council about the end of the month of Zeekada – I am not certain whether it was in the end of Zeekada or the beginning of Zelhedge – Sometimes I was present some times I was gone on business during the division of the effects of Shahbaz beg Khawn. I do not recollect exactly, sometimes I was there some times not – I do not recollect whether I was present on the last day of the division.
I cannot say certainly whether the Hebbanama (Exhibit N) was delivered to the Kazee upon the day