1791-11-23 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/235.jpg)
write the world ullah on this paper.
I saw him write the word ullah – I saw as far from him as from me to Mr Tilghman. The Letters with which the word ullah is wrote contains very clear Letters – When Bhyrut Beg spoke to Coja Zakariah I was listening and heard what he said – I saw Hadgee Awauz write the word ullah with my own eyes – he is here in Court.
28. A Certif: of the Prothonotary that on the 3 Feb: 1779 Jt was given in the Action at Law, for the Plf for SR 300000, & costs.
29. A Certif; of the Clerk of the Crown that on 12 June 1779 a Bill of Indictmt for forgery was found agt Naderah Begum, Cojah Zeccariah, Gheirat Beg, Anayat Ullah Beg, Xazy Moagum Beg &