1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/249.jpg)
For Deft No. 2. Defendant’s Answer.
She then describes the outrages committed by the Cazi & Mufties at the house, by forcibly entering the Zenana &c, and her flight in consequence thereof to the Dorgah of Shah Aazim, where she was confined 5 months, Sentinels being placed to prevent provisions from going to her, so that she wd have been starved, if it had not bn for the charity of the Faquirs, who secretly gave her cakes & other sorry victuals through a hole in the wall.
Shevelas on the Hebeh Nameh, Ecrar Aam, and also on the Mehr Nameh or marriage Settlement. [which however she does not produce] denies Br Beg to be the adopted son of her deceased husband Shah Baz Beg.
Knows nothing personally of the report, denies that she or any