1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/267.jpg)
For Deft – No 2. Defendant’s Answer.
admits that on or about the month of Nov: in the year of Christ 1778 an Action of Trespass vi et Armis was commenced on the Plea Side of this Honble Co by the authority of this Defdt in which said action this Defdt was Plaintiff and the Complt Behader Beg the said Cauzee Sahdee and the said Complts Golaum Muckdoom and Muftee Burkuttullah were defendants And this Defdt is also informed and believes that Bailable process was obtained against the[ILL] sevl Defdts in such Action in the sum of 300,000 SaRs upon which process as this defdt is informed and believes the sd Defdt in such action was arrested by some proper officers or officer acting under the authority of this Honble Court and that the said Defdts would have been brought from their residence at Patna aforesaid and confined in the Common Goal of Calcutta, if bail had not been given in such action And this Defdt says she has heard and believes that the