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then Provincial Council of Patna aforesaid did by the authority of the then Governor General Council of Fort William acting for and on behalf of the said United Company accordingly give Bail in the said action to the then Sheriff of Calcutta for the appearance of the said several Defendants on the return day of the aforesaid Process. And this Defendant further says that she does not know nor can she setforth whether or not all or any of the several Proceedings and orders of the Provincial Council at Patna aforesaid or whether the alledged Futwah or Decree of the said Cazuee Sahdee and the Complainants Muftee Golaum Muckdoom and Muftee Burkittulah and of the said Curreem Ullah or all or any or either of the Papers and Documents Exhibited either by this Defendant or by the Complainant Behader Beg were regulary Transmitted either by the Provincial Council of Patna aforesaid or by any other persons or person whatever on their behalf to the then Governor General and Council of Fort William aforesaid or to any other persons or person whatever but this Defendant denies for the reasons herein at full