1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/271.jpg)


For Deft – No 2. Defendant’s Answer.
and believes that upon such trial the Plea of the Complainant Behader Beg to the Jurisdiction of this Honourable Court was over ruled and that the aforesaid several notices of Justification were held invalid & consequently set aside but this Defendant is advised & believes that this Honourable Court did almost the said several Defendants in such action to give in Evidence. And that the said several Defendants did thereupon attempt to give in proof on the trial of the said cause the several matters contained in such several separate notices of Justification for the purpose of Lessening the damages of such action and that the same matters might appear in evidence before the Court of Appeal in such case if the said several Defendants should as they were entitled to do, appeal in such cause from the Judgement and division of this Honourable Court, this Defendant is however at the same time advised & believes that the said several Defendants wholly failed in their said attempt to prove such several matters as they therein endeavoured to prove for their several justifications and the purposes aforesaid & which several matters so attempted to be proved although not proved are now alledged as true and as Grounds of Equity for obtaining the Injunction of this Honourable Court on behalf of the said Complainants in and by their said Bill of