1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/274.jpg)
the payment of such som of Sicca Rupees 2,61,634 and otherwise to such purport and effect as in the said Bill of Complaint setforth, but this Defendt at the same time for greater certainly craves leave to refer o such Bond or obligation now of Record in this Honourable Court and this Defendt further admits that on or about the 8th of January 1783 such Petition of the said Complainants Behader, Muftee Golaum Muckdoom, & Muftee Burkuttullah praying leave to appeal from the said Judgement of this Honourable Court to his Majesty his Heirs or successors in his or their privy Council was so received read & filed of record and so allowed by this Honourable Court on or about the 20th day of such month of January as in the said Bill of Complaint setforth. And this Defendt further answering admits that a Bill of Judgement was on or about the 12th day of June 1779 by some or one of the Complainants in the Bill of Complaint named or their Confederates (but who this Defendt cannot setforth) preferred to and found by the then Grand Jury for the Town of Calcutta and Factory of Fort William aforesaid against this Defendt