1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/273.jpg)
For Deft – No 2. Defendant’s Answer.
aforesaid Judgement as in the bill of Complaint mentioned whereupon the said Defendts Behader Beg, Muftee Golaum Muckdoom, and Muftee Burkuttullah were seized in Execution and imprisoned in the Common Goal of Calcutta where they remained untill released therefrom by virtue of such act of Parliament which this Defendant admits to have been so made and passed on or about such time and to be so entitled and to contain amongst other things such several matters as in the said Bill of Complaint for such purpose setforth. But this Defendt at the same time for greater certainty craves leave to refer to such act of Parliament And this Defendt further anwering admits that in obedience to the said Act of Parliament and to procure the release of the said Behader Beg, Muftee Golaum Muckdoom and Muftee Burkuttullah from such imprisonment (but with what other views, or from what other motives this Defendt cannot setforth) the then Governour General and Council of Fort William in Bengal aforesaid acting for and on the part of the Complainants the said United Company did on or about 12th day of August 1782 execute and deliver to this Defendant such Bond or obligation in such Penal sum of Sicca Rupees 5,23,268 so conditioned for