1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/276.jpg)
of such several reasons respectively and the several respective circumstances therein & thereby setforth to be true nor can this Defendt setforth why such Bill of Indictment was so preferred and found otherwise than that this Defendt believes from the several circumstances herein setforth that the same must have been so preferred from the Hopes of the further ance of the aforesaid evil wicked malicious machinations and devices of the said Complainants and their confederates and for the purpose of oppressing and defrauding this Defendt as aforesaid and that the same must have been so found by means of the willful misrepresentations of the said Complainants and their confederates to the said Grand Jury, or in consequence of being supported by some false depositions or deposition, of some or one of the Witnesses on the said Prosecution. And this Defendt is advised and believes that the several Witnesses examined on the part and on behalf of this Defendt, during the trial of the said action, did not give any such contradictory or evasive Evidence as reasonably to induce a suspicion that the said Deeds or Instruments called Hebanameh