1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/275.jpg)


For Deft – No 2. Defendant’s Answer.
together with the said Zekeriah Khan, Ghyrut Beg, Enayut Ullah Beg, Cauzee Moazum Beg, and Hadjee Mahomed Euraz for forging & publishing the said two Deeds or Instruments called Hebanamah, Ekrauraum knowing the same to be forged but to which Bill Indictment now remaining of record in this Honourable Court this Defendant for greater certainty craves leave to refer And this Defendant admits that all such several persons against whom such Bill of Indictment was found except this Defendt were severally and respectively subscribing Witnesses to and the only subscribing Witness to the said Deed or Instrument called Hebanama And that the sd Cojah Zekeriah Khan, Ghyrut Beg, Cauzee Moazum Beg, & Hadjee Mahomed Ewaz were severally and respectively subscribing Witnesses to the said Deed or Instrument called Ekraraum but to which two Deeds now of Record in this Honourable Court this Defendt for greater certainty craves leave to refer but this Defend denies that such Bill of Indictment was so preferred or found for all or any of the several reasons in the said Bill of Complaint for such purpose falsely alledged and setforth for this Defendt denies all ever and each