1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/265.jpg)


For Deft – No 2. Defendant’s Answer.
of armed Sepoys was placed over this Defdt at the Monument of Shah Azum as aforesaid for the purpose of preventing any persons or person from having intercourse with this Defdt but why or how for what other Purposes or Purpose such Sepoys were placed over this Defdt she this Defdt does not know nor can she setforth the same otherwise than as aforesd. And that this Defdt believes they were so placed over her from corrupt and fraudulent motives and for the furtherance of the sevl aforementd wicked and malicious devices and machinations of the said Complt and their Confederates. And this Defdt further answering admits that she was justly dissatisfied with all and singular the aforesaid proceedings of the said Provincial Council end of the said Cauzee & Muftees and of their confederate the said Complt Behader Beg and that she this dfdt did therefore come to Calcutta in or about the