1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/262.jpg)
said Provincial Council or any or either of the Members thereof on or about the 3rd day of April in the same year 1777 or at any other time ever reced any Address from the said Cauzee Shdee to such or the like purport and effect as in the said Bill of Complts for such purpose setforth or to any other purport or effect nor can this Defdt setforth whether the said Provincial Council or any or either of the Members thereof in consequence of the receipt of any such Address (if any such ever were recd) did or not pass any order whatever to such or the like purport or effect as in the said Bill of Complt is for such purpose particularly setforth or to any other purport or effect nor of any such order was so passed as in the said Bill of Complt is so alledged can this Defdt setforth whether the said Cauzee Sahdee or any other Persons or Person ever were or was consulted as to the mdoe of Proceeding most consonaut with or agreeable to the