1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/263.jpg)
For Deft No 2 Defendant’s Answer.
Mahomedan Law usage & Custom in similar cases but this Defdt admits that she did refuse to deliver up the female slaves who were the property of this Defdt and who are mentioned in such alledged. Address tho not for all or any or either of the reasons in such alledged Address and in the said Bill of Complt falsely alledged and setforth but because such slaves were as aforesaid the property of this Defdt and because this Defdt believed and still does believe that they never wou’d have been permitted to return to this Defdt. And this Defdt admits that many valuable Effects and Jewels Money Bonds Notes and Securities for Money and other matters mentd and charged in and by the said Bill of Complt and to the amot of several lacks of Rupees (but what several matters and things and to what amount this Defdt cannot now particularly setforth) were lodged by this Defdt and her said