1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/260.jpg)
this Defdt permission to remain in, the said House, and having directed this Defdt to provide herself with another house. This Defdt therefore insists that in the situation she then was, as before described, it would have been highly imprudent for this Defdt to have acted otherwise then she did, and that the disgrace was altogether occasioned by the said Cauzee and Muftees and the said Complt Behader Beg and the agents of the said United C.y, their Confederates, this Defdt at the same time insisting that it wod also have been highly imprudent and unsafe for her, under the several circumstances aforesaid, to have returned to her said Husband’s House, stil so in possession of the said Complt Behader Beg and his Confederates, as aforesaid, or to have delivered herself up under the pretended care or charge of the said Complt Behader Beg, or any other of his Confederates