1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/261.jpg)
For Deft No 2. Defendant’s Answer.
Whatever. And this Defdt further ansg says that she does not know nor can she set forth whether the said Complt Behader Beg ever, at any time whatever, presented any Petition to the said Provincial Council of Patna to such or the like purport or effect as in the said Bill of Complt is so alledged, to have been presented, on or about the said 20th day of March in the year of Christ 1777, or any other Petition to any other purport or effect save ad except as aforesaid, nor if any such Petition was so presented (alledged to have been on or abt the said last mentd 20th day of March) can this Defdt setforth whether or not the said Provincial Council of Patna aforesaid, or any or either of the Members thereof, ever came to or made and resolution or passed any order thereon, or in consequence thereof nor does this Defdt know nor can she setforth whether the