1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/289.jpg)
For Deft – No 2. Defendant’s Answer.
or Instruments in the presence of the said Shabaz Beg Khan because the truth was and is so And this Defendt further answering says she does not believe it to be true that the said Ghyrut Beg was at all apprehensive of losing his life if he should confess the truth unless it might have been that he feared in such case he might have incurred the Resentment of the said Complainants and their confederates as such truth would have served to defeat the aforesaid false claim of the Complainant Behader Beg and to substantiate the rights and claims of this Defendt as aforesaid And this Defendt positively denies that he the said Ghyrut Beg did perjure himself by any Evidence which he gave relative to the said two Deeds of Hebanamah and Ekrauraum and the merits of the aforesaid cause during the trial of the said action although this Defendt admits that she has been informed and believes that the said Ghyrut Beg did swear to the purport and effect as by the said Bill of Complaint it is pretended he was advised to do by the said Cojah Zekeriah. And this Defendt positively denies that she this Defendt has at any time whatever confessed that the said two Deeds or Instruments called Hebanamah & Ekrauraum or either of them were not the Deeds or Instruments of her deceased Husbaud Shabaz Beg Khan made signed and executed by him in his life time nor has this Defendt at any time whatever