1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/299.jpg)
For Deft – No 3. Affidavit of Naderah Begum
inner apaprtments of the house, where Dept was a box belonging to her Mistress Mohutterin ul Nissa, & that the seal of Gheirat Beg was taken int of it in the presence of Dept – positively denies that sd M: ul Nissa ever sd in Dept’s hearing “You sent for the seal of my husband, here it is what do you wish to do with it?
[Single Line]
or used any words of the like purport or effect.
Posit: denies that she ever sd to M. ul Nissa that Coja Z: had told her that if she could procure the seal of M. Gheirat Beg to a Hebeh Nameh, [which] he had prepared, she wd be mistress of all the prop: of her deceased husband, or that she had ever any such conversation with her – [Then follows a full & particr denial of al lthe other material circumstances mentd by Bholum Dai – “No such convers— no remonstrance by M. ul Nissa – never recd the seal of G. B. from M. ul Nissa – never sent it by Bholum Dai to Coja Z – then in an outer room – never saw the seal of G. B. – no such answr brot by Bholum Dai from Z. as she has sworn &c]
And this Deft fur: saith that it is not true but totally false as sworn by Nunkoo Dye (who has made an affid in this cause) that Cojah Zekeriah abt the 3d or 4th day after the death of the sd Shabaz Beg Khan came to the door of the Apartments in which this Dept was & calling and address himself to this Dept told her that he the sd Cojah Zekeriah had prepared a Deed of Gift or Hebanama by which this Dept wod become possessed of all the goods ready money Property and Effects whatsoever