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which belonged to the said Shabaz Beg KHan in his life time And this Dept positively denies that the sd Cojah Zekeriah ever told this Dept any matter or thing or ever used or uttered to this Dept any words to any such or the like purport or effect. And this Dept also positively denies that she this Dept did ever tell the sd Cojah Zekeriah that if he the sd Cojah Zekeriah had prepared such deed or Gift or Hebanama he had done it of his own accord. That the country they were in was under the Govt of the English where such Acts wod not be suffered. And that an attempt to set up such a Paper wod bring disgrace upon him the sd Cojah Zekeriah and upon her this Dept And this Dept further positively denies that she ever used or uttered to the sd Cojah Zekeriah any words to such or the like purport or effect. And this Dept also positively denies that the sd Cojah Zekeriah did ever tell her this Dept to rest contented and not to make scrupulous objections to a plan that wod put her in possession of so much wealth and property. And this Dept fur: positively denies that any conversation ever took place between the sd Cojah Zekeriah and this Dept to any such or the like purport or effect. And this Depont also