1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/301.jpg)
For Deft – No 3. Affidavit of Naderah Begum.
positively denies it to be true that the sd Cojah Zekeriah at any time whatever did desire this Dept to send out to him the said Cojah Zekeriah the seal of the said Shabaz Beg Khan decd, that he the said Cojah Zekeriah may affix it to the Deed of Gift or Hebanama nor did the sd Cojah Zekeriah upon any occasion whatever ever make application or a requisition to this Dept to any such or the like purport or effect And this Dept fur: saith that no such conversation as last mentd or any other conversation to the like purport or effect havg passed between this Dept and the said Cojah Zekeriah, and no such applicn or requisition as last afsd havg been made to this Dept by the sd C. Zekeriah, She this Dept cod not thereupon & did not send one of the attendants called Meobehar into an inner room of the house to bring out a small box nor was any such small box thereupon brot to this Dept nor did this Dept ever take out of any box a Seal (which the sd Nunkoo has in her sd Affid: falsely sworn she had before seen in thepossess of the sd Shabaz Beg Khan) nor did this Dept ever take out of any Box any seal of or formerly belong