1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/303.jpg)


For Deft – No 3. Affidavit of Naderah Begum.
and which the sd C. Zekeriah was therein alledged to have produced to this Dept the preceding day as the Deed of Gift or Hebanama by which this Dept was to become intitled to and gain possn of the property of her sd husband the sd Shabaz Beg Khan, and this Dept positively saith that she never did deliver the seal of the sd Shabaz Beg Khan either to the said Nunkoo or to the sd C. Zekeriah nor the sd C. Zekeriah ever put the seal of the sd Shabaz Beg Khan to any paper whatever with the privity or to the knowledge or belief of this Dept And this Dept positively denies that the sd C. Zekeriah ever demanded the seal of the sd Shabaz Beg Khan from this Dept alledging (as in the afsd affidt of the sd Nunkoo Dye is falsely sworn) that he wanted the said Seal for the purpose of affixing it to a 2d paper which the sd Coja Zekeriah said he had then brought And this Deponent further saith that it is not true that this Deponent (as is by the aforesaid affidavit of the said Nunkoo Dye pretended) in answer to such last mentioned requisition desire the said Coja Zekeriah not to stay and affix the said Seal where he then was (As in the aforesaid affidavit of the said Nunkoo Dye is alledged to be) in the house of this Deponent but to go to