1791-11-25 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/348.jpg)
Deposition of Cojah Zaccariah.
her, that he would answer for it, that she (the Plaintiff) was the Mistress of all what had she to fear the house was in her own hands, only permit us to seal up the appartments according to the orders of Council. There was a great deal passed in this way for three Hours, the Conclusion was that the Plaintiff agreed, acquiesced in these Terms, “You may put the seals for the present on the doors, but I am the Owner of the Effects, and you have the Power in your hands,” The defendant Cazy Saady and the defendant Mufty Makhdoom sealed up whatever appartments the defendant Bahadur Beg pointed out to them, and went away. The Plaintiff was obliged to remove from apartment to apartment as they sealed them up, till at last she remained in a part fo the outhouses. The Plaintiff was obliged to go to that part of the outhouses, she did not go willingly. These women never remain in an apartment where men are and as the defendant Cazy Saady, Mufty Makhdoom