1791-11-25 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/350.jpg)


Deposition of Cojah Zaccariah.
the Effects, one or two days after the apartments were sealed up I was in the outer room, where Men sit when the defendant Saady came. The defendant Saady and the defendant Gholaum Makhdoom opened the Locks and broke the seals of the door that were sealed up, with their own Hands; they were Locks that were before on the door, the keys of which the defendant Cazy Saady and the devan Nunderam kept. The other two defendant Bahadur Beg and Burkut Ullah were present at this time; The Cazy’s Dewan Anunderam took the Inventory of the Effects as he was directed by the Defendant Bahadur Beg. All the defendants went into the House. The Defendant Cazy Saady asked me to come in with him.
In one particular apartment well near hundred or one hundred and twenty [ILL] (I cannot say certainly) of Goods. I saw these [ILL]. The Goods consisted of Nawabees, Fangaibs, Tarrmdaus (Teremdan is a very fine kind of Cotton Cloths, Soft