1791-11-25 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/353.jpg)


Deposition of Cojah Zaccariah.

I did not read the Bill of Exchange, I read none of the Papers. There was Money. One Purse full of Gold Mohurs, there were not less than a thousand, I am sure, thirteen or fourteen or fifteen Purses of Rupees containing, as I believe, not less than a thousand Rupees each. The defendants Cazy Saady and Mufty Gholaum Makhdoom said that in some of the Purses there were a thousand Rupees in some of them less and in some more but in all fourteen thousand Rupees. Some of the Rupees were of the [ILL] Year, some of the twelfth year and some Sonat Rupees, the defendants Cazy Saady and Gholaum Makhdoom and at this Time the other two defendants were present and said nothing against it – There was a Purse of which contained not less than a thousand Gold Mohurs. The Inventory that I mentioned was taken of the Effects, was it produced. I should certainly know it. The Paper (Exhibit C)