1791-11-25 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/354.jpg)


Deposition of Cojah Zaccariah.

produced is the Inventory I mentioned. There was nothing more ecept a Box the Key of which could not be found, this Box stood close to the Bales, from it’s weight it appeared to contain Mooney. Besides the things that I mentioned there was a store room of Sugar Candy, Fruits and such Eatables, and the defendants Bahadur Beg said, since the Begum (the Plaintiff) has not eat them the Cazy and I will. There was one Elephant, there were three Horses one an Erachee and two Turkey Horses. The defendant Bahadur disposed of the Erachee Horse to Mr. Law; This was sometime after the Inventory was madel I know nothing of Flour - & - There were Europe broad Cloths of different Colours. I am not acquainted with the Value of the things. I know that the two Turkey Horses were worth at Ptna one thousand Rupees, the Current Rupee there – The Rachee Horse was worth at leasts nine hundred or a thousand Rupees. The defendants eight or ten days after taking the Inventory went away. Eight or ten or