1791-11-25 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/355.jpg)


Deposition of Cojah Zaccariah.

fifteen days after I was carried by force, under the Guard of Peons, frm a Prison (which is under the orders of the Chief) where I was confined, to the Plaintiff’s House; I saw the defendants Cazy Saady Mufty Burkut Ullah, Mufty Gholaum Makhdoom, Bahader Beg and Mufty Kereem Ullah and their attendants divide the Effects; I did not see them. the defendants said, they had divided all the Effects. I was near enough to see the Effects divided; The Effects were divided into four Shares, one of which they set a part for the Begum and gave the other three to Bahadur Beg the defendant. My employment originally at Kabul was that of Mohtasib; after my uncle Shah Baz Beg Khan called me to India, I was employed in reading Books and improving my Mind, my Cloaths and Horses were found me by my Uncle. Shah Baz Beg Khan was in his life