1791-11-25 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/356.jpg)
Deposition of Cojah Zaccariah.
Time of the Lords of this part of India, was in the service of the English, and his Titles on his Seal are Khoja Shah Baz Beg Khan Bahadur, Mustard Jung, and he was called by Rajah Shitaub Roy in particular, and generally, Nabob Mustaad Jung; and he had Sunnuds from the Europeans for the Rank of five thousand Horse which Sunnuds I have seen myself. He kept a House agreeably to the Rank of Omrahs, Servants and Retinue in the greatest Magnificance and sat upon the [ILL]. I never saw a Man of inferior rank sit upon a Musnud, not even rich men presume to sit upon a Musnud. The defendant Cazy Saady is a great man and deputy to Sherut Ullah Khan; and is a rich man. The defendants Mufty Burkut Ullah and Mufty Gholaum Makhdoom are both in prosperous circumstances. The Plaintiff and I were making Protestations against the proceedings. I never saw her receive her part that I mentioned, she was not present at the division. I do not know of a Grain of these Effects