1791-11-25 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/380.jpg)


A Deposition of Inaiut Ullah taken for the Plf Naderah Begum at the same trial of the action at Law, on the 10th of Dec: 1778.
Innoiet Ullah Witness for the Plaintiff being duly sworn deposeth. I know Shabaz Beg Khan in his life time. I put my Seal upon a Hebbanama at his request in his sic life time about the middle, the 15 or 16 day, of Ramazan, in the Hijera year 1190 and on the 28th of next Shawal I heard of Shabaz Beg Khan’s death. There were other seals to the Hebbanama when I put mine to it. 1st Shabaz Beg Khan’s, next Cojah Zakariah, then Ghiret Beg’s, after Ghiret Beg’s seal I put mine; I was lately a Foujdar, If I was to see the Hebbanama sould I see it. This Paper Exhibit N: has my seal to it. In my presence Shah baz Beg Khan acknowledged this Hebanama to be his Deed and desired me to put my seal to it as a Witness.