1791-12-30 (static/transcriptions/1791/12/264.jpg)


Spotswood Sing in the Companies service was attached to a native battalion at Berampore in Sept last. In may or June 1790. The European Ships in the absence of [ILL] Baily - [ILL] there was a Patient of the name Middleditch then in the Hospital - the Period is so distant that he cannot give a particular acct of his situation at that time. Since pikes [ILL] informed of the Cause of his being brought down which was on Wednesday last he had [ILL] any particular respecting the prisoner – he recollects that [ILL] the Patients who he believes to be the prisoner had gone out of the Hospital at night and was brought in by one of the Sentries – he does not recollect that he confined him for that offence & does not recollect that [ILL] committed the like offender