1792-06-19 (static/transcriptions/1792/06/008.jpg)


9. Accot delivd by Huzzari Mull to Deiachund when he gave up the management of affairs to him; & some other parts of the Bill.
10. Will of Huzzari Mull – verified in like manner – d. 6 Joisti 1190.
11. A Notice is read from the bill, being sw: to in the affid:) which was sent to the now complts, from the Defts; with the will of Deiachund. He leaves the bulk of his fortune to Bullaki Sing, & appoints Execrs.
Mr. Strettell aadvocate for Bullaky Sing’h & the other Defts
As to the application for enforcing the supposed charities, it cannot be made by a private individual who is neither an object of the charity, nor has an privity with the donors.
The will of Amichund is only authenticated by the affidavit of Ramdulall Miter, & he neither saw it execd, nor proves the handwriting of the testator.