1792-07-11 (static/transcriptions/1792/07/042.jpg)
Davidson and John Maxwell their Executors Administrators or Assigns to their Counsel Carried in the Law should reasonably devise advise and require at the Costs and [ILL] of the said Alexander Davidson and John Maxwell their Executors administrators or assignes, [ILL] by the said deed of Indenture it doth and may more fully appear and the said Alexander Davidson in fact says that the said Thomas Cotton before and at the time of and after the Execution of the said Indenture as aforesaid did hold the aforesaid Writing obligatory Executor by the said Alexander Davidson, who avers that he and the said Thomas Cotton before and at the time of the Execution of the said Indenture two of the Copartners in the said Indenture mentioned. And that the said Thomas Cotton did not and hath not before on or since the Execution of the said Indenture delivered up, Cancelled or otherwise to the said Alexander Davidson the [ILL] Writing obligatory which he ought to have done, according to the form and Effects of the said Indenture; And this the said Alexander Davidson is ready to verify wherefore he prays Judgment whether the said Thomas Cotton ought to have or maintain his aforesaid Action thereof against him the said Alexander Davidson &c
Edward Srettell